Here's the plan:

Crank-Powered radio with built-in flashlight (this or this. The first has weatherband, the second will have better reception) Update: I'm going with this one. I ordered it. It will go red when it is delivered. This radio/flashlight combo has am/fm/weatherband radio, a reasonably bright flashlight and the ability to charge usb devices. My phone doesn't qualify but the iPod in my car does. Update: Got it. The light works, but I'll wait to test out the radio until I get home. Red_Tag is a great company to do business with.
Wool blanket -Already have this one. I also have 4 more in my Bug-Out Bag at home.
Water filter - This one is a filter straw. Since this is for emergencies only, or to get home to the real supplies, I'm going to keep the size to a minimum, and make it easy to use. This will connect to any standard water bottle. Update: I got this, but apparently, I added the wrong item to the cart. I got the pills I was looking at, not the filter straw. It'll do.
High-energy food bars
100 hour candle
Toilet Paper! How could I forget toilet paper?
Standard Emergency:
Jumper cables -Already have
Fire extinguisher
First-aid kit. We were at Cub Foods last night. They had a decent first aid kit for about $15. It's not full-featured, but it's a good starting point. I'll be adding more bandages, more pain killers, and a CPR shield.
Folding shovel - I'm going with this one. Update: Got it.
Small toolkit(ratchet set, screwdrivers, and a vise-grip) - Looking at this. It won't do major repairs, but all of the minor stuff will be taken care of. Update: I checked the truck and the car. Both have tool kits with screwdrivers, ratchets, and pliers.
Air Compressor - Have 2 of these already

Need it right-freaking-now:
Window hammer -Have two of these(Link) I bought these shortly after 35W dropped into the Mississippi River. Call me paranoid, but it helps me sleep at night.
Pepper spray
Stun gun -Have 2 of these
The last category will be within reach of the driver at all times. The first two categories may or may not be in separate bags.
This will be updated with links and prices as I acquire/organize the items. I have quite a bit of it, already.
Key: Green means it is ordered, red means I have it on hand, blue is an item scratched from the list.
Update 4/23/2008: Color coded selection. Added a few items, removed one.
Update 4/24/2008: Added Sterno. We are in Minnesota. The 100 hour candle will be nice, but sterno will be better. The date of this post will get updated every time I update the list.
Update 4/28/2008: Updated with my weekend purchases.
Update 5/1/2008: Updated with latest purchases. Added TP to the list.
Update 5/22/2008: Updated with latest purchases.
Great article! All essential items for any car emergency.
I bought my father a 7-in-1 car emergency tools from It has a number of the items on this list. I also bought him a standard car emergency tool kit with flares, first aid, blanket, etc.
Keep up the good work!
I've looked at those.
We already have lifehammers, which include the seatbelt knife, and the 12 volt air compressors have the flashing lights.
Swisstech has some nice tools. I have their 6-in-1 keychain in my pocket now.
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