A semitrailer drives north on Interstate 29, north of Grand Forks, N.D., through floodwater and ice slabs as Red River flooding moves north Monday. Photo by Associated Press
prince of everything visible from where I'm standing at the moment
A semitrailer drives north on Interstate 29, north of Grand Forks, N.D., through floodwater and ice slabs as Red River flooding moves north Monday. Photo by Associated Press
Proud to be Simon JesterWe are Simon Jester.
We are not anarchists.
We are not Far-Right or Far-Left. We are the seventy percent in the middle.
We are not Capital “L” libertarians, although we do have sympathies with their platform.
We are neither bitter clingers nor conspiracy nuts.
What we are is a group of folks that think we see liberty and freedom eroding in our beloved United States. We see the policies and agendas of the hirelings in Washington D.C. heading toward an abbreviation if not outright abrogation of the Bill of Rights.
We think that the Federal government is grasping to consolidate power using the current crisis, since as Rahm Emmanuel said, it’s a terrible thing to waste. We think the Federal government, not just this administration, is more interested in self-serving personal, political, and party power than it is in actually doing its best to do the least.
This President didn’t make it this way. It has been heading along this path since Woodrow Wilson held political prisoners and FDR held four terms as president; since Johnson’s Great Society and Nixon took us off the gold standard; since Bush Sr. lied about no new taxes, Clinton desecrated the Oval Office, Bush Jr. rammed through the Patriot Act, and Obama wanted every high school kid to ‘volunteer.’
For almost a hundred years, our country has been heading towards becoming a Socialist, centrally planned, Nanny State where the Federal Government tells it citizens how to conduct business, what they could grow in their own gardens or on their own farms, and now even how much a private citizen is allowed to earn before punitive and illegal taxation takes it away.
Now is the time to make it stop.
Dwayne Custard, of Inver Grove Heights, traded in his 10-year-old Ford Taurus at a Minnesota dealership in March 2007. A year later, he received a $63.60 citation from Illinois stating he had failed to pay required tolls in July 2007.
What if we had a 95 percent marginal tax rate on income over $10 million? What dire consequences would flow from this? Perhaps a certain outflow of top-flight baseball talent to Japan. But I don’t see this leading to any kind of economic calamity. Producers of certain classes of supply-constrained luxury goods would lose out as their prices go down.
On Monday, Obama's Environmental Protection Agency declared carbon dioxide a public health threat.
Lawmakers in at least eight states want recipients of food stamps, unemployment benefits or welfare to submit to random drug testing.
The effort comes as more Americans turn to these safety nets to ride out the recession. Poverty and civil liberties advocates fear the strategy could backfire, discouraging some people from seeking financial aid and making already desperate situations worse.
Should a villain attack, the Emerald Enforcer carries a small arsenal to defend himself: smoke grenades, pepper spray, a slingshot, and a pair of six-inch fighting sticks tucked into sturdy leather boots. Leather guards protect Geist's arms; his signature weapon, an Argentinean cattle-snare called bolos, hangs from a belt-holster.
The Eye is a 49-year-old crimebuster from Mountain View, California, who wears a Green Hornet-inspired fedora and trench coat. Though he focuses mainly on detective work and crime-tip reporting, he prepares himself for hand-to-hand combat by studying kung fu and wielding an arsenal of light-based weapons designed to dazzle enemies.
or sheer investment in gadgetry, none top Superhero, an ex-Navy powerlifter from Clearwater, Florida. His patrol vehicle is a burgundy 1975 Corvette Stingray with a souped-up 425-horsepower engine. He wears a flight helmet installed with a police scanner and video camera, and carries an extendable Cobra tactical baton, a flash gun, sonic grenades, and a canister of bear mace. Topping off the one-man armory is an Arma 100 stun cannon, a 37mm nitrogen-powered projectile device. His ammo of choice? Sandwiches. "Nothing stops them in their tracks like peanut butter and jelly," he explains in a video demonstration posted online.
Winona County could be in business � literally � with a plan to build commercial wind turbines if state lawmakers approve a bill allowing the county to form a limited-liability company.
In 2007, social workers got 1,076 reports of possible child abuse at homes in the county. In 2008, there were 1,270 reports, and that number and other disturbing ones show no signs of going down this year.
"Very concerning," said Victoria Johannes with the agency.
She blames one thing: the economy. She said she doesn't know for sure why the number of reports is up, but she thinks parents might be taking out their frustrations on their children, because they're worried.
I grab and take as many picture books with me as can fit in my arms. I am a thief. But that all started months ago.
* * * * *
After my first visit to the shattered middle school, I am haunted by what I found in one office: hundreds of file folders containing student psychological examinations complete with social security numbers, addresses, and parent information. I sat and thumbed through them. Many contained detailed histories of physical and sexual abuse, stories of home lives so horrifying I still can't get them out of my head: sibling rape, torture, neglect that defies belief. The detailed reports explained emotional impairments, learning disabilities. There was another box full of IEPs. The dates revealed that many of these students are still in the school system somewhere. I found several of their faces in the 2007 yearbook.
I spend the next few months trying to track down someone who cares. I send e-mails to the school's former principal, offering to go back and collect these records for her or destroy them. She never responds. I call my mom, a retired special education teacher and erstwhile administrator to determine the extent of malfeasance. Then I call the school district's legal department and leave voice mails warning them of the liability of this gross violation of student privacy. I never receive a response. I track down the school psychologist to some address in Troy. Nothing. It turns out a daily newspaper reported abandoned records like these within many of the 33 schools closed in 2007 and the district did nothing. No one is responsible. Someone else was supposed to destroy them. The company that had been paid to secure the school never did its job.
So I did it. I went back in to destroy them so they would no longer be just sitting there on the floor for anyone to find.
From what I can tell, Installshield only cares about one person: the dork who blindly builds the Installer package for their one little application. Apparently, if you need to call on the Installshield components, don’t ever even try to discover whether they’re already installed on the target. Instead, assume that they must *not* be installed (presumably because every developer on the planet has the privilege of being the first to get software installed on each PC where it’s being used), and always install a copy of some Installshield dependency on the end-user’s PC. And then for good measure, make sure that there’s a hard-coded dependency on the version of the InstallShield bits that went with the installer.
If you diagnose a patient with gonorrhea, be sure to ask if she has any family members she would like to treat as well, because I was at a loss when I was asked the question "Should I treat my dog, too?"
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. Christopher Dodd on Monday suggested a tax provision to recoup the bonuses for executives of ailing insurance giant AIG.
Sen. Chris Dodd said the government could apply a tax to the AIG bonuses.
Dodd, D-Connecticut, said the notion is in the "earliest of thinking" and has not been settled on as a way to resolve the issue, which has set off outrage in Washington and across the country.
The tax would apply only to those at AIG who have received bonuses. The provision would help the government get back the money in the form of tax revenue.
"We have a right to tax," the Connecticut Democrat told CNN. "You could write a tax provision that's narrowly crafted only to the people receiving bonuses."
Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki confirmed Tuesday that the Obama administration is considering a controversial plan to make veterans pay for treatment of service-related injuries with private insurance.
"He was going to go until he was stopped, by himself or someone else," said Col. Chris Murphy of the Alabama Department of Public Safety.
"McLendon made statements of being depressed and was dissatisfied with his present position in life,
They did not realize that they existed to support the actual operation. They thought they were the actual operation. Everyone in the government makes this same mistake, 25 hours a day, 11 days a week, by the way.
"Done right, earmarks have given legislators the opportunity to direct federal money to worthy projects that benefit people in their district, and that's why I have opposed their outright elimination," Obama said.
Obama, locked in a head-to-head battle with Clinton for the Democratic nomination, was the first to declare through a spokesman Monday that he would support a one-year moratorium on so-called earmarks when it comes up for a vote later this week. Clinton followed shortly afterward through a spokesman.
The poobahs of pork in both parties as well as their Senate leaders suddenly found themselves on the spot after stalwartly defending lawmakers' practice of steering federal dollars to their home states.
Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi had signaled privately to fellow Democrats that she supports an election-year break from earmarks as she follows the lead of House GOP leader John Boehner.
Cut Pork Barrel Spending: As a Senator, President* Obama introduced and passed bipartisan legislation that would require more disclosure and transparency for special-interest earmarks. Obama and Biden believe that spending that cannot withstand public scrutiny cannot be justified. Obama and Biden will slash earmarks to no greater than 1994 levels and ensure all spending decisions are open to the public.
There are many here among us that will flat out refuse to acknowledge BHO as president, in posts, and in casual conversation. I hear you, and feel your pain but the simple truth is that he does hold that title. Many more people seem to think that calling BHO the first Black president is also a misnomer, since the man is what ?.... like 10% African American at most.
I propose, that instead of sour grapes, and all the insulting nicknames like "bammy" we simply call the man by the title he has been issued, (for better or for worse) but like the famed Barry Bonds Home Run Ball, simply put an asterisk next to the questionable labels used.
For Example... "President Obama" will now be typed as "President* Obama" and the phrase "President Obama, the first black President" will now look like "President* Obama, the first black* President*" and so on and so forth.
Just a thought.
Carry on.
Many on this board don't understand that "reluctant participant" is not the legal test, it's writer's shorthand (which even I've been known to use). So you tend to over emphasize that element.
What you can't be is an UNLAWFUL aggressor. Other states with more developed self-defense statutes make this clear [by using terms such as "did not provoke" the fight]. So does the case law.
Asserting your minor daughter's right to free from unwelcome physical contact is perfectly OK. Ordering them to stay away from your family is OK. Those are mere words. But, the father could have physically pushed her assailant away. Lawful use of force is not legal "provocation."
We tend to forget that "non-deadly reasonable force" can be used too. Minn. Stat. 606.06 says this:
Subdivision 1. When authorized. Except [by a criminal against a cop], reasonable force may be used upon or toward the person of another without the other's consent when the following circumstances exist or the actor reasonably believes them to exist:
(3) when used by any person in resisting or aiding another to resist an offense against the person; or ... .
The young thugs chose to respond with unlawful force. Then THEY escalated to deadly force (the multiple assailant attack on the man down).
After the multiple-assailant attack began, the father absolutely could have defended himself if he had anything with which to do so (such as a gun). A nearby permit holder, reasonably perceiving that the victim was facing an imminent threat of death or great bodily harm (as 7 or 8 young thugs kicked the shit out of him) would have been authorized to use protective force, including deadly force. According to the criminal charges, the victim suffered skull fractures and possible bleeding on the brain which ARE injuries capable of causing death or GBH.
No doubt about it. Larissa Larivee was scared.
Larivee, 20, who works as a nanny for a Mankato family, dropped off the kids at Bridges Community School Feb. 10 and hurried off down the road on her way to campus.
But she blew through that first stop sign and ended up cutting off a guy in a black pickup. She hurried through the next one, too. And when she looked in her rear-view mirror, there was the black pickup, and the driver didn't look happy.
He followed her, she said, honking his horn and waving his arms, trying to get her to pull over.
"I thought this was like a road rage thing," the Minnesota State University student said. "I didn't know what he wanted and I just wanted to get away."
She zoomed up toward campus and pulled into her driveway on Floral Avenue. The black pickup pulled in right behind her, and the driver got out and approached her. "I felt trapped," she said.
The closer he got, the more frightened she became. And it wasn't until he was a few feet away that she learned the driver of the pickup was Blue Earth County Sheriff's Deputy Joshua Steinbach — who was off duty and driving his personal vehicle.
It defies reason to think that multi-billion dollar criminal syndicates will not be able to get their hands on guns because of an American law banning cosmetic features and dictating lower magazine capacity.
You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.- Anonymous, found at AR15.com
Let's go to the Power Exchange together. Let's go to the Power Exchange together and roleplay. Let's go to the Power Exchange together and roleplay HOT ZOMBIE SEX. I mean it. I know it sounds really ridiculous, but I've always loved zombies and the undead, and I've always loved sex, so I want to mix the two. Additionally, I've seen (and am friends with) some really cute zombie girls, and I could really enjoy the mix of horror, terror, shock value in others, and, y'know. Sex.
I'll dress up like an office professional or something like that, in some clothes I don't care about, and pretend to be doing some work in an office or something. Maybe then I'll listen to a prop radio and look shocked, act scared, peer out a mimed window or something, and then you batter on the door. And batter, and batter, and push -- and break in! And I let out a blood-curdling shriek, and you lunge at me and rip my clothes apart and splatter fake blood all over me (we'll use a tarp on the floor, to be polite), and proceed to savagely violate me. Or something like that -- I'm not really tied to that exact SCENE, but I think something that goes that way would be fun.
You entered the plane on a rickety jump ladder in the tail, walked through the fuselage filled with wooden ammo boxes and gun emplacemements, climbed around the retracted ball that was his home for forty missions, and then had to walk on a catwalk less than a foot wide between the bomb racks to get to the cockpit. All this for a man who needs a walker.
Monday, March 2 - Brooklyn Center Police are looking for a man who shot another man in the leg this afternoon in the parking lot at the BP gas station at 6044 Brooklyn Boulevard.
At 1:10 p.m. today Brooklyn Center Police Department responded to a report of a shooting at the station. Responding officers found a 23-year-old man who had been shot once in the leg.
A 15-year-old male and an 18-year-old male were shot in the parking lot outside JC Penney at Southdale Center in Edina around 6 p.m. Friday, Feb. 27.
Last year, there were 162 crimes committed from a pool of 56919 permit holders in Minnesota. That's a 0.28461497918094133769040215042429% crime rate. Of those 162 crimes, only 10 involved a gun, that's 0.01756882587536674240148280890388%. Violent crimes made up 40 of the 162, keeping in mind that only 10 of the 162 involved guns, that about a 0.07% crime rate.
Legal gun owners are self-selected to be the most law abiding group in existence. There is no demographic with a smaller crime rate.
That said, most gun control and all gun registration laws in the US have specific exclusions for felons. Requiring a felon to register a gun he can't legally own would be a violation of his right against self-incrimination, so he's not required to do so. That means, for the dense, that gun control is aimed solely at law-abiding gun owners. Criminals are never, ever the target, regardless of the rhetoric.
Gun control is about control, not guns.